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An Interesting Lunch

Chapter six finds our Deborah, Alain, Pipi and Haulani walking from the hotel they are staying in to the restaurant for lunch. Deborah has a question burning in her brain that she is compelled to ask.

There are times when our visions, dreams, thoughts and desires are just a thad bit blurry and that is where Daddy comes in (for me), to help clarify the blurred lines. Come join us, as we make plans for the future and bring into reality, those dreams that are waiting to be fulfilled.

During the short jaunt from the Lord Nelson Hotel and Suites to Morris East - Halifax and during their lunch Deborah, Alain, Pipi and Haulani get to know each other a little better. It's a beautiful spring day and there is a sense that love might be on the bloom. During lunch it is discovered they have some common inerests as well as a few common experiences.

Lunch turns out to be more than just a meal to be enjoyed between friends. Deborah asks an unexpected question. The answer to her question, could blow someones world apart. Or it could bring the Gamechangers Gang evne closer together as friends. Her question is one they already had in the back of thier minds, but were not verbalizing.

Deborah is asked a rather hard to answer question herself. However, she does answer the question, which in the end opens the door for the dream of her life time to occur. Proverbs 29: 18a says; Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Sometimes it is hard to determine the difference between a dream and a nightmare, but some nightmares bring out the biggest and most beneficial dreams. Additionally, sometimes we are asked hard questions, questions we may not want to answer, but in answering those questions, unexpected doors may open. Doors that will lead to wild and miraculous adventures.

We would like to say thank you to the Lord Nelson Hotel and Suites for giving us permission to add them and thier website to our blog and novel.

We would also like to say thank you to Morris East for giving us permission to add them as well.

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